Body Image

TW/CW: Body Image

A few weeks ago I was PMSing and due to the hormonal surge I cried for 24 hours straight and told my partner I felt like I should apologize to him because he “has to date someone as fat as me.”

I of course knew I didn’t need to apologize, nor did I, but I allowed myself to lean into the emotions and say what I was feeling outloud.

Fast forward to this week. I am sending nudes upon nudes to him, not giving a flying fuck about how I look.

Our minds are funny things. The fluctuations in our hormones can trick us into believing things that aren’t true, and then a day or so later we can walk around having a shit ton of confidence.

The best thing I’ve found is to lean into ever single emotion we feel. Allow the feeling to be acknowledged and cared for with gentleness, because when we do that we can more quickly recognize where it comes from and how to move past it.

Sometimes you let it play out, other times you make a change to the plan or environment and watch your mood change. No matter what, you get to have compassion for yourself and recognize the ebbs and flows your emotions go through.

You are human after all.

So even on those days when you may be hating on your body, remember to be gentle with yourself and feel what you need to feel.

You’ve got this, beautiful!


I Got Hacked

